My Chemical Romance is anti-suicidal. Think Im wrong? Well here is some proof they are. Believe it or not My Chemical Romance has saved many lives. Here are some storys from people and how My Chemical Romance kept them going.
From: London
Age: 13 - 18
Labeled: Recovery
Featured Story: 24th August, 2008
Story Link: http://thankyoumcr.net/story/401/
Age: 13 - 18
Labeled: Recovery
Featured Story: 24th August, 2008
Story Link: http://thankyoumcr.net/story/401/
My Story:
Well. They've helped me through a lot. Things that would sound shocking in the real world, but in this community I feel like one of many.
I was 13 years old, and I will say that this year was the year my life started to fall apart. The girls at school started to slot into these little groups, and I kept getting labelled "geek", "emo" or "goth" when I never claimed to be any of these things. I just wanted to be ME. To have a sense of identity, you know? To BELONG. But I didn't want to belong to all these different groups where everyone within them was identical.
At the same time all this was going on, my mum sat me and my little brother down one day and announced her and my dad were getting a divorce. I was fine with it at first, but then all the arguments started, some about me; my dad stuck up for me when I had really full-on rows with my mum. The work was also piling on at school and I was determined to do well in my maths SATS and science modules. But this was hard dealing with my home life at the same time, and the fact that everyone at school thought I was a "freak" for the way I dressed and the music I listened to.
Then one day, I made the biggest mistake of my life. I wish I could take it back now. I cut myself. I was curious really, to see what it was like. Once a while turned into everyday, and I was having suicide thoughts. I thought I was just generally crazy.
My best friend was a huge MCR fan, and one day she phoned me up and said she had two tickets to their concert at wembley arena, and asked me to go. I'd first heard them when I was about 11 or 12 with I'm Not Okay, and sort of liked them, and I thought their newer stuff was ok as well, so I said yes.
When I went to the gig, I was totally blown away. It was my first gig, so the excitement of this coupled with the fact I felt like, for the first time in my life, that I actually BELONGED, was exhilarating. The next day I rushed out and bought all 3 albums with all my pocket money, put them on my iPod and just listened. The lyrics seemed to speak to me, and Gerard Way seemed to understand what I was going through. I did some research on them and found out that the purpose of the band was to save lives. I thought this was an amazing objective.
A few months later my parents found out I was cutting and I had to see a therapist. I hated every second of it and quit, saying I'd get better on my own. My mum thought that MCR and the other bands I was listening to were making me cut myself. She sounded like some misinformed Daily Mail article! I was so unbelievably angry that I told her everything that Gerard had said. She relaxed a little, but continued to be disapproving.
The months went by, and I cut less and less as I listened to MCR more and more.
One day, I was very depressed and about to break the longest time I'd gone without doing it, but then I watched a youtube video of Gerard speaking to a crowd: "Nothing is worth hurting yourself over." I listened to these words and didn't cut.
And now, everytime I want to, I repeat these words to myself and it stops me.
Well. They've helped me through a lot. Things that would sound shocking in the real world, but in this community I feel like one of many.
I was 13 years old, and I will say that this year was the year my life started to fall apart. The girls at school started to slot into these little groups, and I kept getting labelled "geek", "emo" or "goth" when I never claimed to be any of these things. I just wanted to be ME. To have a sense of identity, you know? To BELONG. But I didn't want to belong to all these different groups where everyone within them was identical.
At the same time all this was going on, my mum sat me and my little brother down one day and announced her and my dad were getting a divorce. I was fine with it at first, but then all the arguments started, some about me; my dad stuck up for me when I had really full-on rows with my mum. The work was also piling on at school and I was determined to do well in my maths SATS and science modules. But this was hard dealing with my home life at the same time, and the fact that everyone at school thought I was a "freak" for the way I dressed and the music I listened to.
Then one day, I made the biggest mistake of my life. I wish I could take it back now. I cut myself. I was curious really, to see what it was like. Once a while turned into everyday, and I was having suicide thoughts. I thought I was just generally crazy.
My best friend was a huge MCR fan, and one day she phoned me up and said she had two tickets to their concert at wembley arena, and asked me to go. I'd first heard them when I was about 11 or 12 with I'm Not Okay, and sort of liked them, and I thought their newer stuff was ok as well, so I said yes.
When I went to the gig, I was totally blown away. It was my first gig, so the excitement of this coupled with the fact I felt like, for the first time in my life, that I actually BELONGED, was exhilarating. The next day I rushed out and bought all 3 albums with all my pocket money, put them on my iPod and just listened. The lyrics seemed to speak to me, and Gerard Way seemed to understand what I was going through. I did some research on them and found out that the purpose of the band was to save lives. I thought this was an amazing objective.
A few months later my parents found out I was cutting and I had to see a therapist. I hated every second of it and quit, saying I'd get better on my own. My mum thought that MCR and the other bands I was listening to were making me cut myself. She sounded like some misinformed Daily Mail article! I was so unbelievably angry that I told her everything that Gerard had said. She relaxed a little, but continued to be disapproving.
The months went by, and I cut less and less as I listened to MCR more and more.
One day, I was very depressed and about to break the longest time I'd gone without doing it, but then I watched a youtube video of Gerard speaking to a crowd: "Nothing is worth hurting yourself over." I listened to these words and didn't cut.
And now, everytime I want to, I repeat these words to myself and it stops me.
Thank you, My Chemical Romance.
Age: 13 - 18
Labeled: New Horizons
Featured Story: 29th June, 2008
Story Link: http://thankyoumcr.net/story/333/
Age: 13 - 18
Labeled: New Horizons
Featured Story: 29th June, 2008
Story Link: http://thankyoumcr.net/story/333/
My Story:
My story might be a little different compared to other stories about how MCR saved their live but that doesn't make mine any less important.
I never used to be 100 percent completely satisfied with my life. Sure, on the outside I was normal 12-year-old but I found myself wondering, "Who am I?" I never seemed to fit in exactly. I mean, I wasn't saying I was some kind of loner outcast, I did have friends and a lot of them actually, but I never seemed to be on the same level with another person.
When I first heard of My Chemical Romance I hated them. This was around the time period when MySpace began to become so popular and my friend in my seventh grade computer set up an account for me insisting I had to have one even though my mom disapproved. And alas, this was also the time period when everybody and their brother had the "I'm Not Okay" video on their MySpace profile. It seemed unique, even a bit interesting, at first but I soon learned to detest it. The once catchy riff and lyrics because annoying and whiny to me. Anyway, I brushed off the song and the band and finished my seventh grade year.
On that summer my aunt would take me on little trips to a bunch of cool places around L.A., such as Little Tokyo, and for some odd reason decided to burn me a copy of the album, 'Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge'. It was a strange choice, my aunt only listens to indie rock and Brit pop, even now she can't recall the reason she had burned me the cd.
Anyway, I popped it into my Walkman (Yes, at the time I had a Walkman. Hello? I was a 12-year-old girl who had never heard of an iPod before) and listened to it.
That first song changed my life.
The first chords filled my ears and I was instantly hooked. I had never felt so much during a song before. It brought tears to my eyes and I had to fight them the best I could so my sister and aunt didn’t think I was insane. On the whole way, there and back, I listened to "Helena" over and over and over until my batteries died.
Eventually, I got around to listening to the rest of the album which I liked well enough but for some reason I stopped listening to it. I'm guessing I lost it, I have a tendency to lose things quickly.
In eighth grade I had a friend who enjoyed My Chem very much and I was turned off them. I really don't know why, I think he annoyed me about it and I just didn't feel like listening to them anymore. I even remember him getting excited about the release of 'Life On The Murder Scene'. A little while after than I remember hanging out at his house and watching the music videos. Again, the music video for "Helena" was ground breaking for me. The song, the dancers, the band, the way Gerard looked, and the way Tracy danced nearly brought me to tears again. Later that night, I watched that video on YouTube again and again until my mom kicked me off. I also remember watching "The Ghost Of You" video and thinking, "Damn. The singer looks like Elvis." Ha ha.
I became a bit interested again and I remember sometime in August my stepdad called me out to watch something. He was watching the 2006 MTV Music Awards, something I usually avoided watching, and I sat perplexed and watched the screen. This is how I was introduced to The Black Parade era. Although, the whole intro and outfits were cool and all, I just couldn’t get into the song. Even my stepdad was like, "When does it get exciting?" I was disappointed yet again. Plus, I was freaked out because I thought they replaced my favorite member, the bassist with the glasses. Then a week later I heard the single on the radio and I realized that I liked it. When 'The Black Parade' was released my mom came home that night and handed me my very own copy of it. I immediately rushed into my room and played it on my stereo.
This was when I indefinitely fell in love with My Chemical Romance. Each song was beautiful in its own special way. After that, I became obsessed. TV? I was watching a show involving MCR. Books? I was reading an article about MCR. Internet? I was on a website about MCR. My friends and family soon became annoyed with me. None of them understood what I was going through. Not even my friend who had liked them in eighth grade. His liking them had never reached the point of obsession. My own mother started punishing me if I even mentioned Mikey or Gerard. Then on Christmas, after acquiring LOTMS, I Brought You Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love, and an iPod, I thought my Christmas couldn’t get any better, but it could. My aunt surprised me with tickets to see My Chemical Romance in concert. When I saw them that day, it changed me forever. From start to finish, that show was amazing. Even though I was bursting to tell people how truly incredible it was, I started to pretend as if I wasn’t obsessed anymore and avoided talking about them as much as possible. I went through my ninth grade year feeling a bit... alone.
During my sophomore year I made a new friend to add to my best friend already, the one who used to like My Chem. I had so much fun with them, I was gloriously happy. I even befriended a girl who I used to dislike and I even got her into MCR. She soon asked if she could eat lunch with my friends and I. Even though we were friends I didn’t feel quite comfortable with her eating with us. But what could I say? I told her yes. We were friends for about a month before I started realizing she was copying me. My clothes, my hair, my musical taste, even my friends. She started hanging out with my friends everyday when I became busy with softball. I grew to dislike her greatly. Then, one of my friends started involving more people in our group, more girls I never liked either. Each of them made me feel stupid and alone because my friends never seemed to have time for me anymore. I became more and more frustrated, especially when the first girl started copying the new girls in our group. I shared my feelings with my two best friends but they coldly turned me away. I lived in misery for the rest of the year.
I realized during my last week of school, that maybe my friends weren't real friends. My Chem taught me that you should never be unhappy and to not surround yourself with people who make you unhappy. I thought the people to blame were the girls who started hanging out with us, but maybe it was my best friends all along. They never cared if I felt lonely and left out.
I stopped hanging out with that group.
And even though it was only about a month ago, I feel great. They still try to contact me and I reply back, but this time they don't have any power over me. I have a new best friend now, who really cares about how I feel. And you know what? I think this time it's the real deal. I've never felt unhappy around her once yet and she helped me through my drama with my old friends. And she always listens to me talk about MCR.
I have since seen MCR four more times, each one more amazing than the other. I wish I could meet them someday just to tell them how grateful I am to them. Besides the whole
friends drama, they have really helped me through other hard situations in my life. The only reason I used to get out of bed my sophomore year was because of my many My Chemical Romance posters that felt as if they were staring at me with disappointment. And there have been many a night when I've fallen asleep crying listening to My Chem to soothe me. Right now, things aren't so great and I'm a little unhappy with myself because of my friends, but you know what?
I think I'm gonna be okay.
Thanks to that little band from Jersey.
My story might be a little different compared to other stories about how MCR saved their live but that doesn't make mine any less important.
I never used to be 100 percent completely satisfied with my life. Sure, on the outside I was normal 12-year-old but I found myself wondering, "Who am I?" I never seemed to fit in exactly. I mean, I wasn't saying I was some kind of loner outcast, I did have friends and a lot of them actually, but I never seemed to be on the same level with another person.
When I first heard of My Chemical Romance I hated them. This was around the time period when MySpace began to become so popular and my friend in my seventh grade computer set up an account for me insisting I had to have one even though my mom disapproved. And alas, this was also the time period when everybody and their brother had the "I'm Not Okay" video on their MySpace profile. It seemed unique, even a bit interesting, at first but I soon learned to detest it. The once catchy riff and lyrics because annoying and whiny to me. Anyway, I brushed off the song and the band and finished my seventh grade year.
On that summer my aunt would take me on little trips to a bunch of cool places around L.A., such as Little Tokyo, and for some odd reason decided to burn me a copy of the album, 'Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge'. It was a strange choice, my aunt only listens to indie rock and Brit pop, even now she can't recall the reason she had burned me the cd.
Anyway, I popped it into my Walkman (Yes, at the time I had a Walkman. Hello? I was a 12-year-old girl who had never heard of an iPod before) and listened to it.
That first song changed my life.
The first chords filled my ears and I was instantly hooked. I had never felt so much during a song before. It brought tears to my eyes and I had to fight them the best I could so my sister and aunt didn’t think I was insane. On the whole way, there and back, I listened to "Helena" over and over and over until my batteries died.
Eventually, I got around to listening to the rest of the album which I liked well enough but for some reason I stopped listening to it. I'm guessing I lost it, I have a tendency to lose things quickly.
In eighth grade I had a friend who enjoyed My Chem very much and I was turned off them. I really don't know why, I think he annoyed me about it and I just didn't feel like listening to them anymore. I even remember him getting excited about the release of 'Life On The Murder Scene'. A little while after than I remember hanging out at his house and watching the music videos. Again, the music video for "Helena" was ground breaking for me. The song, the dancers, the band, the way Gerard looked, and the way Tracy danced nearly brought me to tears again. Later that night, I watched that video on YouTube again and again until my mom kicked me off. I also remember watching "The Ghost Of You" video and thinking, "Damn. The singer looks like Elvis." Ha ha.
I became a bit interested again and I remember sometime in August my stepdad called me out to watch something. He was watching the 2006 MTV Music Awards, something I usually avoided watching, and I sat perplexed and watched the screen. This is how I was introduced to The Black Parade era. Although, the whole intro and outfits were cool and all, I just couldn’t get into the song. Even my stepdad was like, "When does it get exciting?" I was disappointed yet again. Plus, I was freaked out because I thought they replaced my favorite member, the bassist with the glasses. Then a week later I heard the single on the radio and I realized that I liked it. When 'The Black Parade' was released my mom came home that night and handed me my very own copy of it. I immediately rushed into my room and played it on my stereo.
This was when I indefinitely fell in love with My Chemical Romance. Each song was beautiful in its own special way. After that, I became obsessed. TV? I was watching a show involving MCR. Books? I was reading an article about MCR. Internet? I was on a website about MCR. My friends and family soon became annoyed with me. None of them understood what I was going through. Not even my friend who had liked them in eighth grade. His liking them had never reached the point of obsession. My own mother started punishing me if I even mentioned Mikey or Gerard. Then on Christmas, after acquiring LOTMS, I Brought You Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love, and an iPod, I thought my Christmas couldn’t get any better, but it could. My aunt surprised me with tickets to see My Chemical Romance in concert. When I saw them that day, it changed me forever. From start to finish, that show was amazing. Even though I was bursting to tell people how truly incredible it was, I started to pretend as if I wasn’t obsessed anymore and avoided talking about them as much as possible. I went through my ninth grade year feeling a bit... alone.
During my sophomore year I made a new friend to add to my best friend already, the one who used to like My Chem. I had so much fun with them, I was gloriously happy. I even befriended a girl who I used to dislike and I even got her into MCR. She soon asked if she could eat lunch with my friends and I. Even though we were friends I didn’t feel quite comfortable with her eating with us. But what could I say? I told her yes. We were friends for about a month before I started realizing she was copying me. My clothes, my hair, my musical taste, even my friends. She started hanging out with my friends everyday when I became busy with softball. I grew to dislike her greatly. Then, one of my friends started involving more people in our group, more girls I never liked either. Each of them made me feel stupid and alone because my friends never seemed to have time for me anymore. I became more and more frustrated, especially when the first girl started copying the new girls in our group. I shared my feelings with my two best friends but they coldly turned me away. I lived in misery for the rest of the year.
I realized during my last week of school, that maybe my friends weren't real friends. My Chem taught me that you should never be unhappy and to not surround yourself with people who make you unhappy. I thought the people to blame were the girls who started hanging out with us, but maybe it was my best friends all along. They never cared if I felt lonely and left out.
I stopped hanging out with that group.
And even though it was only about a month ago, I feel great. They still try to contact me and I reply back, but this time they don't have any power over me. I have a new best friend now, who really cares about how I feel. And you know what? I think this time it's the real deal. I've never felt unhappy around her once yet and she helped me through my drama with my old friends. And she always listens to me talk about MCR.
I have since seen MCR four more times, each one more amazing than the other. I wish I could meet them someday just to tell them how grateful I am to them. Besides the whole
friends drama, they have really helped me through other hard situations in my life. The only reason I used to get out of bed my sophomore year was because of my many My Chemical Romance posters that felt as if they were staring at me with disappointment. And there have been many a night when I've fallen asleep crying listening to My Chem to soothe me. Right now, things aren't so great and I'm a little unhappy with myself because of my friends, but you know what?
I think I'm gonna be okay.
Thanks to that little band from Jersey.
From: Shrewsbury
Age: 13 - 18
Labeled: New Horizons
Featured Story: 29th June, 2008
Story Link: http://thankyoumcr.net/story/334/
Age: 13 - 18
Labeled: New Horizons
Featured Story: 29th June, 2008
Story Link: http://thankyoumcr.net/story/334/
My Story:
Hi my name's Chelsea A., I am 17 years old from a little town called Shrewsbury in the UK. And the first thing people tend to know about me is that I'm a big My Chemical Romance fan, I've been a devoted fan for over three years now and the feeling is incredible. They have had the most amazing impact on me, they've helped me through some of the roughest times since I became a teenager and I have never been more grateful for anything in my life.
Gerard Way is my idol, he’s the man I look up to when I'm troubled or need help. I've had quite a few idols in my life but Gerard is the only one that has made me feel like I was needed in the world. He has gone through so much pain in his life and he's pulled through, which just makes people like me feel stronger inside. The man is my hero.
I've been to see My Chemical Romance twice, both amazing gigs but if I had to pick one it would have to be my second gig. 24th March 2007 at Manchester MEN. I lined up outside in the cold for four hours after walking round Manchester all day but I didn't care. It was an amazing night. When Gerard came out on that hopsital gurney I leap out of my seat and I couldn't stop shaking, I felt like my heart was gonna pound out of my chest and my eyes welled up but it was incredible. That whole night, I'd never felt so powerful in all my life, the atmosphere was phenomenal. It was a night I'll never forget.
My Chemical Romance are the one thing in world that makes me proud to be here. Their songs have so much meaning to me, when I listen to them it's my therapy, it's my way of coping. For instance the songs 'I Don’t Love You' and 'Disenchanted' really helped me when I was going through a break up with somebody I'd been with for a long time. But that's all past now and I'm okay.
Hi my name's Chelsea A., I am 17 years old from a little town called Shrewsbury in the UK. And the first thing people tend to know about me is that I'm a big My Chemical Romance fan, I've been a devoted fan for over three years now and the feeling is incredible. They have had the most amazing impact on me, they've helped me through some of the roughest times since I became a teenager and I have never been more grateful for anything in my life.
Gerard Way is my idol, he’s the man I look up to when I'm troubled or need help. I've had quite a few idols in my life but Gerard is the only one that has made me feel like I was needed in the world. He has gone through so much pain in his life and he's pulled through, which just makes people like me feel stronger inside. The man is my hero.
I've been to see My Chemical Romance twice, both amazing gigs but if I had to pick one it would have to be my second gig. 24th March 2007 at Manchester MEN. I lined up outside in the cold for four hours after walking round Manchester all day but I didn't care. It was an amazing night. When Gerard came out on that hopsital gurney I leap out of my seat and I couldn't stop shaking, I felt like my heart was gonna pound out of my chest and my eyes welled up but it was incredible. That whole night, I'd never felt so powerful in all my life, the atmosphere was phenomenal. It was a night I'll never forget.
My Chemical Romance are the one thing in world that makes me proud to be here. Their songs have so much meaning to me, when I listen to them it's my therapy, it's my way of coping. For instance the songs 'I Don’t Love You' and 'Disenchanted' really helped me when I was going through a break up with somebody I'd been with for a long time. But that's all past now and I'm okay.
My Chemical Romance set out to do something incredible, which was to save people's lives and to give people a purpose and a reason to stay on the earth. Which I truly believe they have done. There are thousands of kids out there that feel the same I do about them and I think I speak for all the fans when I say My Chemical Romance will live forever. And another thing I tend to say is MCR saved my life. And they well and truly have.
From: Pittsburgh
Age: 13 - 18
Labeled: New Horizons
Featured Story: 25th May, 2008
Story Link: http://thankyoumcr.net/story/190/
Age: 13 - 18
Labeled: New Horizons
Featured Story: 25th May, 2008
Story Link: http://thankyoumcr.net/story/190/
My Story:
It all started with a question - who is My Chemical Romance???
I've never been normal, and I never really will be. I didn't have any music that had meaning or made any sense. One day my friend was talking about Gerard Way. That's when it all began. Their music has a purpose that is more than just nonsense about suicide that people don't even feel, etc. Since listening to My Chemical Romance, my whole life has gone from boring, angry, and poisonous to the person I am today.
It all started with a question - who is My Chemical Romance???
I've never been normal, and I never really will be. I didn't have any music that had meaning or made any sense. One day my friend was talking about Gerard Way. That's when it all began. Their music has a purpose that is more than just nonsense about suicide that people don't even feel, etc. Since listening to My Chemical Romance, my whole life has gone from boring, angry, and poisonous to the person I am today.
It all ends with a question - How many lives like mine will they save???Go http://www.thankyoumcr.net to read more stories on how MCR saved peoples lives. Here more proof from My Chemical Romance
I love My Chemical Romance! I dont know what I would do without them! I dont care what people say about me or think about me 4 liking My Chemical Romance. And I will never stop loving My Chemical Romance because they mean more then just a band 2 me and they keep me going. Thank you My Chemical Romance. You guys have saved my life.